During SIMUN I was given the country Tanzania. I thought that would be very difficult because I had no idea what goes on there, and how they feel. Getting to SIMUN was very stressful because I really didn’t know what was going to happen or how things were going to work. SIMUN was way better than I thought, I thought it would be straight work and no fun at all, I was wrong. I’m glad we had to do SIMUN because it ended up being fun. Acting like powerful people was a good change I could get used too. I didn’t feel, to me, that we were little high school kids but important people to world. 
During SIMUN I wasn’t involved with any situation at all! I didn’t know how to get myself involved, so I didn’t do a lot of speeches, I only did one. I did ask many questions, to try to get myself involved. I felt kind of out of place because I wasn’t involved at all. I don’t understand why my country wasn’t involved at all though, everyone’s at one point with a news flash or the whole situation.
Preparing for SIMUN was very stressful because finding all the information you needed for the topic was hard to find. You need such detail and explanation to understand. Most news sites don’t really give you that. If I hadn’t prepared I would have been so lost, you wouldn’t even know. I would ask my parents if they knew anything about it and they were like, Madi what are you talking about. So preparation was a huge part of SIMUN! Without it no one would really know what’s going on.
Next year I will most defiantly prepare more, and hopefully get a country that will be involved more because if a country that doesn’t do anything it’s difficult to do things. Next year, I will look deeper into the situations and have thoughts about the situation and how my country would react to it, before I go in. Going back into SIMUN with the knowledge of what to do will make things a lot easier. Teachers tried to prepare us but they really can’t until your there. Once your there for a day, you get the feel for things and get into the grove of government people. SIMUN overall was a great experience, I wouldn’t say I’m good at it but I did have fun. I don’t think I want to do MAMUN because I don’t think I like SIMUN stuff that much. I did have fun and enjoyed the three days, and I’m looking forward to next year.

During SIMUN I wasn’t involved with any situation at all! I didn’t know how to get myself involved, so I didn’t do a lot of speeches, I only did one. I did ask many questions, to try to get myself involved. I felt kind of out of place because I wasn’t involved at all. I don’t understand why my country wasn’t involved at all though, everyone’s at one point with a news flash or the whole situation.
Preparing for SIMUN was very stressful because finding all the information you needed for the topic was hard to find. You need such detail and explanation to understand. Most news sites don’t really give you that. If I hadn’t prepared I would have been so lost, you wouldn’t even know. I would ask my parents if they knew anything about it and they were like, Madi what are you talking about. So preparation was a huge part of SIMUN! Without it no one would really know what’s going on.
Next year I will most defiantly prepare more, and hopefully get a country that will be involved more because if a country that doesn’t do anything it’s difficult to do things. Next year, I will look deeper into the situations and have thoughts about the situation and how my country would react to it, before I go in. Going back into SIMUN with the knowledge of what to do will make things a lot easier. Teachers tried to prepare us but they really can’t until your there. Once your there for a day, you get the feel for things and get into the grove of government people. SIMUN overall was a great experience, I wouldn’t say I’m good at it but I did have fun. I don’t think I want to do MAMUN because I don’t think I like SIMUN stuff that much. I did have fun and enjoyed the three days, and I’m looking forward to next year.