Friends are one of the greatest things ever. They are they when you need them and even when you don’t they’re always with you. Without friends life would so boring. I have so many friends and I love them all. Hannah, Batool and Kelly, are just a few of my closest friends at school. I am friends with a lot people but they are my closest.
I know if I’m with them I will always have a great time. Hanging out for two minutes we could have a new inside joke. I love how whenever we are together we always have a great time, whether it is at Batool’s palace playing ping-pong, or at Kelly’s watching The Office, of at lunch I always have such a great time! We are always laughing and saying the stupidest things ever and loving every moment of it. We have some many inside jokes that sometimes one of us forgets about it. We say probably one of the most common, but greatest joke ever known as “That’s what she said!”. We say that even it doesn’t make sense and still just laugh as if it did. We constantly make fun of each other, I mean how can you not be best friends without making fun of each other, it’s like the law.
I love my friends. They are the greatest friends I could ask for! Without them I don’t know what to do. I we have a different lunch, I feel like a part of me is missing. That may sound lame, but it’s true. My life would be so boring without them making me laugh. They make my day when we laugh, which is all the time. Time with my friends is always so much! We all like to have a great time, and no matter what we are doing we find some way to have a great time. You would think that studying for finals would be really boring and stressful but not the way we study. We made it in to a Jeopardy type of game. We laughed more than we studied but still did well on the final and had fun, it was a win-win situation.
I think that my friends feel the same way. Without each other we just aren’t the same. They are the only reason I want to come to school. We don’t come to school to learn but to have hang out with friends, well that’s my reason why I come to school. I love my friends

and I hope they do too!