Autism is not linked to vaccines.
In 1998 a man named Dr. Andrew Wakefield, did a study and said that autism was linked to vaccines. Now he is coming out and saying he was wrong. He didn't pick people by random, he paid kids at his son's birthday party to be tested. William Schaffner a professor and chairmen of the department of preventive medicine said "Since Wakefield's study came out, some 20 other studies have come out, and each one of these studies, done by different researchers, in different populations and different countries, has denied the associations between vaccines and autism. Scientifically, the story in over." Wakefield, also said he theorized and in his view in his reason.
If autism were linked to vaccines wouldn't everyone have it. With people not getting their children vaccinated because of Wakefield, there children aren't building up to immunity to other diseases. The Lancet, which is a medical journal, said that Dr.Wakefield was right. Many parents who's children have autism read The Lancet. Many parents were blaming themsleves because their kids had autism, because they vaccinated their kids. The parents have no power of what disorder the

This is interesting because thats how my neighbor thought their son had gotten Autism but I guess not.