Here is some info about them. There is three of them, actually four but only three are in the band. There is Kevin,22, Joe,20, and Nick,16. They are from New Jersey and have always had music in their life. Music is their passion, that's why they have a band. They sing pop songs, and are teenage girl heartthrobs. Joe is the lead singer, Kevin is lead guitar and Nick is singer, guitar, piano and drums. They have a little brother named Frankie who is 9. Frankie wants to be in the band one day, he already is playing drums.
I have been fortunate enough to go to two of their concerts, I didn't have to pay for any of them. I went in the summer of 08 and 09. I never knew how something could get better but it did because the concert in 09 was the best concert I have ever been to. Both times I went with friends so it made the experience more memorable. Joe is my favorite Jonas Brother, for one because he's hot and the other is because he is good at what he does. Seeing Joe live was the best thing ever! It takes me awhile after the show to understand I just the Jonas Brothers in person and been in the same room as them.
My family thinks I'm to obsessed but I have OJD(Obsessive Jonas Disorder) and I am proud! My family buys me Jonas stuff if they see it because they do know how crazy I am about them, for instance I got a Joe Jonas pillow last year with my name on it! If I see them on TV I make everyone be quiet so I can see and hear them. People don't really understand why I am this crazy about them, but it's like everyone has a favorite band and some are crazy about them and others just enjoy them,I am one of thise crazy fans.
The Jonas Brothers bring me joy when I need it the most. I always watch their show, too. I own all of their Cd's and have both of their movies. I have 22 posters on my wall at my dad's and 27 posters at my mom's. I am running out of space on my walls but I find a place for posters.
I'll stop now so I don;t bore you but I could keep going on, for awhile. I hoped you enjoyed my Jonas Brother info and my love for them.
Madi, Madi, Madi. You used a spell-checker, didn't you? Work on the grammar a bit; fit in some spaces here or there, add a couple commas, make sure that you're using words in the right places, etc. I know that you could've done better. About the content, I can't really say much, because I'm biased against the Jonas Brothers, so don't expect any advice from me on that aspect.
ReplyDeleteSorry if I offended you, but you're my friend, so I'm not gonna go easy on you.