Halloween is fun and you get candy but why is it based on getting frightened? Well I went looking and this is what I found.
It is interesting how such main holidays start the way they do. They were all basically celebrations or partys, like Christmas it's Jesus' birthday.
Halloween is mainly like any other holiday,except people get very creepy but, it's funny the ranges of people who go all out or do nothing there is a few in between people but either you love it and try to scare the crap out of people or you put a smiley face pumpkin on your porch. I am one of the in between people, I don't like to scare people on Halloween because I don't liked to be scared, I have a pumpkin on my porch that is kind of smiling but I had to do something easy. Another weird thing is why do we care pumpkins? Why not apples?

Well the answer is because the faces were supposed to represent the faces of the people who died.
Halloween is fun for almost all ages, most people enjoy candy, holidays and new things. I do but sometimes people need to take it down a notch and not have blood dripping out of a tree because to me that is a little bit over bored. I think Halloween is just another holiday but I can guarantee a lot of people disagree but that's their opinion not mine.
Halloween shouldn't be so scary because not everyone enjoys that, when Halloween strolls around people bring out the scary movies and creepy masks but those are not just for Halloween, if people brought stuff like that out some other time it wouldn't probably be such a creepy holiday but then it really wouldn't be the Halloween we all know and love.
Have a fun filled and safe Halloween!!!
Thats such a krafty idea, I love Charlie & the Choclate factory the ompla loomas are my favorite too!